Handwriting for schools

We offer schools :-

  • CPD Training in handwriting (trained by National Handwriting Association)
  • Individual pupil assessments
  • FREE advice with handwriting difficulties.(call help line)
  • Excellent Jimbo-Fun handwriting Intervention programmes.


Title: A Whole School Approach to Handwriting.

This  training session is ideal for In-set days or can be completed over two staff meetings. It can be done independently or combined with a dyspraxia training package.(Save £100 by combining two training packages)

Suitable for: All teaching staff but most relevant for primary teaching staff.


Preparing for handwriting
The importance of pre-writing motor skills
Stages of handwriting
National Curriculum compliant
Letter Formation
Supporting left handers.
Trouble shooting

Where: In your school

How long: 2 hours which can be split over two staff meetings or delivered as part of an In-set day. It is also included in the Whole Day Dyspraxia CPD Training Package B for Primary Schools.

Cost: £200 plus travel @ 40p a mile.No VAT on top.

Trainer:  Cathy Parvin. National Handwriting Association trained.

How many can attend: No limit.

To book or for further information: Call 01905 676118 or 07736000979  email: cathy@jimbofun.co.uk

All profit is used to support children with dyspraxia through our free help line and support services.

Individual Pupil Assessments For Handwriting.

Many children struggle with handwriting because it’s an extremely complex skill to master with many components.

It is vital to carry out a full assessment on a child to discover which areas are causing their handwriting difficulty before beginning to put in place any support or intervention. Once the area of difficulty is highlighted, then targeted measures can be implemented and the child will make more progress.


  • Detailed assessment as approved by the National Handwriting Association and additional age appropriate handwriting motor skill assessment.
  • In-class observation
  • One-on-one assessment
  • Verbal and written feedback
  • Recommendations for support strategies
  • Help line for on going advice and support

Cost:£75 per pupil ( plus travel @40p a mile (Overnight Travelodge if needed)

How long does it take:  Usually half a day depending on how many children.

Where: In school

NB: The assessment is highly effective in ascertaining how to help a pupil improve their handwriting but would not be suitable as evidence for Access Arrangements. For advice on this please contact the Access Officer, JCQ or call our help line.

For further information call us. 01905 676118 or 07736000979 or email cathy@dyspraxia-ed.co.uk

Jimbo Fun and Junior Jimbo Fun Intervention Programmes.

We have developed our own exciting intervention programmes for children in Reception and Year 1 (4½ – 6 yrs) and Year 2 and above (6 – 10 yrs) who struggle with handwriting. For more information or to buy Jimbo Fun or Junior Jimbo Fun please go to the home page and click on the relevant pages or simply give us a call we would be happy to answer your questions.