“Very enjoyable programme for everyone! Teacher has commented on the differences. She has noticed better letter formation and spacing, now writing from left to right, better finger manipulation,holding pencil well and improvement with pressure control. Appreciated combination of both fine and gross motor skills. Very beneficial and worthwhile”
Worcester Learning Support Team.
“After being slightly doubtful at the start that this was going to help, I feel we have seen huge improvement in his writing and I am delighted that we have taken part in Jimbo-fun! Thank you!” Mother who trialled Jimbo-Fun
Worcester Learning Support Team are now using Jimbo-Fun in many schools and have a waiting list of schools wanting to use it.
Worcester Occupational Therapists “Recommended Kit for Schools List”
Please watch our video from a year 1 teacher who trialled Junior Jimbo Fun with two little boys in his class and also from their SENCO.